I'm so happy the hours and hours of work I put into these 2 graphics for Miss magazine paid off :)
I think I really, really improved, especially concerning hair and clothes shading. What's your opinion on these 2 graphics? Any advice? And which version of the second graphic do you prefer? The dark red one was used and along with the beige one, it' my favourite. The models are Rei1981 and NeonTiara.

Hi! I really love this two graphics!! The one in featured in, is fabulous!!
About the second one, the ones I like the most, are the last two. The colours look amazing. Congrats, both graphics, are great!!!!!
Wow, you're graphics have improved so much! I love them, they're so amazing. The only thing you could still improve is the hair, I think you still need to find a technique to make it look more realistitic ;)
Wooww.. die Grafiken sind wirklich toll geworden und du hast dich wirklich stark verbessert! Wie Rafael schon meinte wäre das einzige was du vielleicht noch verbessern könntest sind die Haare, was aber nichts daran ändert, dass sie jetzt schon sehr gut gelungen sind. (:
Bei "der" zweiten könnte ich mich wirklich nicht entscheiden, welche Variante am besten gelungen ist (:
(Ich hoffe es ist hier keine Pflicht auf Englisch zu schreiben^^)
Wow! Hun thats amazing!! Fab Graphics!!
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