April 13, 2013

New graphic + new header

Finally, I found some time to finish my graphic.
I'm very proud of the hair, one of if not the favourite hair I've ever did.
I'm not so sure of the hand  but everything else is just lovely, I really improved my collarbones.
What do you think? Do you like it?

xoxo Cathy

Model for TRENDY Magazine

I've been featured in  the wonderful magazine TRENDY by Pau.Cam.Arena:

Graphic by kcv183


kcv183 did a graphic that I requested on her wonderful blog Kay's graphics.
Click here to get there.

Brand ambassador for PERE Collection


I've been chosen to be the brand ambassador for PERE, thanks a lot!
Th first ever fashion editorial has been shooted with my doll:

Model for The Fashion Victory

I'm modeling for the Fashion Victory by didi18881.
The graphics aren't the best but everyone needs time to improve! :D

Diamond Model for Limelight Management

I've been accepted as a diamond model at Limelight management.
The following 2 years, I'll model for them.